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    How to Write the Community Essay: Complete Guide + Examples

    • Place

      • 熊谷
      • 太田
      • この二つを12年間行き来しているの、何気に珍しいかも
        • 滞在時間なら大体同じくらい?
    • Action

    • Interest

    • Circumstance

      • 思いつかん、、
    • What did you actually do in that community? (Tip: use active verbs like “organized” and “managed” to clarify your responsibilities).

    • What kinds of problems did you solve (personally, locally, or globally)?

    • What specific impact did you have?

    • What did you learn (skills, qualities, values)?

    • How did you apply the lessons you learned in and outside of that community?

    • 学年で一人なんかプログラミングできる奴として生きた話、良さそう