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    [(米国|海外)大(出願|志望)先リスト] (米国大出願先リスト)​ (米国大志望先リスト)​ (海外大出願先リスト)​ (海外大志望先リスト)​

    • 大学はいろんな分野触れられる方がいいと思っている

      • これにマッチする海外大ってどこなんだろうと言うのをクリアにしたい
      • 適当にQuoraとかブログとか読み漁って、有益そうなのを貼ってく
      • 実際どのレベルの大学に手が届くのかはまだ分からんので夢見る方向で調べる
    • Humanities色強すぎる環境でも実際大変なのかも

    • 教育の内容でいったらやっぱstanfordが第一だなーと思う

    • 悩み

      • 学部生ができることで興味分野をfulfillできるのか
    • 気になる大学たくさんリストアップ(順不同)

    • リベカレ

    • A vs Bみたいな感じの相対的な比較話をたくさん読めば、自分の中でマップが生まれそうだなと思いながら読んでる

      • A vs B, B vs Cを読めばA vs Cも予想できる
    • 相違点を基本的に書いてく、似ている点は大変なのでいいかな

      • 20210630追記: これからはそれぞれの大学のページ@ /foreignunivに書いてく
    • MIT vs Stanford

    • I’ve written else where on the site that MIT is a world class engineering school with a strong liberal arts program and Yale, Stanford is a world class liberal arts school with a strong engineering program.

      • これは、学ぶ内容というよりは周りの人の違いが大きそう
      • MITのcourseを見た感じだと、やっぱmajorには結構時間割を情報系で埋めないとなんだなと
    • Boston vs SV的なところだと、ボストンの方に魅力を感じているけどこれは無知による楽観な気がする


      • Trackとかがある、HCI含む

    • Stanford vs UCBerkeley

    • Overall, Cal is a school which forces students to hustle and become very resourceful. It is a school for hard nosed, highly aggressive Type As as well as those who can and will fight every minute for their place and what’s theirs. Type Bs have a hard time at Cal unless they adapt. If you need help, at Cal, you need to dig deep because no one will help you except yourself - to get help from others, you have to work hard to get them to help you.

    • Stanford, on the other hand, is far more gentlemanly, affording an Ivy League experience where students get plenty of personal attention, 1:1 guidance and assistance, etc. Type As thrive there, but so do Type Bs. If you need help, you will get it at Stanford. This breeds more “co-opetition”.

    • Stanford vs Harvard

    • I can’t say much about differences in curricula outside engineering, but based on what I hear (and whom I see matriculating at each college) it seems like Harvard and Stanford are both awesome at math, the sciences, and the humanities. The one major difference is engineering, and in particular Computer Science; Stanford has more famous CS professors, more CS classes, and more classes that deal with software engineering in practice.

    • Personally, I’m satisfied with the practical software experience I’ve gained from personal projects and summer internships, and don’t think I’d take more CS classes (especially more vocational and less theoretical ones) even if Harvard offered them. If at any point you do wish to take on more engineering classes, though, cross-registering at MIT is pretty easy (and of course MIT is a top-tier engineering school). That said, if engineering is your one and only passion, you should probably choose Stanford (or MIT or Berkeley).

    • I actually like Harvard CS in particular because it’s more flexible in requirements and thus offers me the freedom to take whatever classes I want - I can explore my interests in philosophy, psychology, and sociology while staying on top of my CS curriculum. (The same is not true of other types of engineering at Harvard, by the way.)

    • Stanford is a bubble more than Harvard. That is why it’s called the farm. You rarely leave, and to do so you generally need a car. Caltrain schedule is too sporadic and limiting for most college adventures. I floundered for 2 months at Stanford before begging to have my car sent to me. Harvard has the vibrant city of Boston.

      • Caltrainがひどいのはわかる
    • On the one hand, Stanford is generally better known for sciences, while Harvard is relatively better known for humanities. This is a generalization with all kinds of exceptions, but physics/CS is the sort of thing Stanford really shines at - I’m not saying that Harvard isn’t great too. It is! It’s just that these are truly among Stanford’s strengths

      • ただ、↑にあるようにhumanities色強いところで生きるのも大変かもしれんという気持ちもある
