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    PROMPT 1: Tell us about a time or experience in which you encountered failure. (250)

    • We would like to know more about your potential to persist through challenges and problems that you will face in the future. Qualities such as resilience and persistence can be key to solving the many problems and responding to the frequent failures that can be encountered in academics or research. In an essay about research and discovery at Caltech, “The Transformative Power of Failure”, several current and past members of our community share their anecdotes about, and perspectives on, various forms of failure.

    • Here are questions that may help guide your response: How do you define failure? What was the problem you were trying to solve? What did you learn from the experience? Did you seek advice or help from others? If so, did you receive any, or did you move forward without? What contribute

    • hardship困難とかではなく、failure失敗なんだな
    • Essay 歴史EE案、ちょっとcaltechっぽくないかも?
      • あー、でもhumanitiesを理系トピックでやるのはある意味ぽいかもw
      • ありかも
      • あと、これはちゃんとpersistenceも示せそう
        • もうちょっと拡充する?
      • Stanfordとは少し方向性違うから考えるか

    PROMPT 2: Tell us about a life situation, media story, or topic – beyond or outside of a classroom or formal assignment – that has captivated you, inspired your curiosity, and led you to delve more deeply into learning about a subject on your own. (250)

    PROMPT 3: Tell us about how you have collaborated with and worked together within a small group of your peers on some task or endeavor in the past, or about how you imagine you will work with your Caltech peers in the future. (250)

    • Essay CCC案っぽいな〜
    • leadershipというより、collaboration
      • 自分がリーダーではない時にも応用できるような話に変えるべきだな