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Essay 歴史EE案

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    • 用途 - > Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom. (UC Personal Insight Questions, 350) - > We are inspired by students who are flexible in their approach to learning, who are comfortable with experimentation, and who are willing to take intellectual risks that move them out of their comfort zone. Reflect on a time that you were intellectually challenged, inspired, or took an intellectual risk—inside or outside of the classroom. How has that experience shaped you, and what questions still linger? (Swarthmore出願, 250)


    • まりなさんのflowについてのコメントは残すので、再度確認する


    • v1から改善する事
      • puzzle pieceの比喩、要検討かも
    • 250に縮めたいので、v1から省く事
    • Stanfordのやつと文字数は同じだけど、introと最後を調整したいblu3mo.icon



     高校で履修している国際バカロレアのカリキュラムの一部に、生徒が自由にテーマを選択し、1年間研究を行った上で最大4000語の英字研究論文を執筆するExtended Essayがある。私は世界史を選択し、「Evaluation of technological deterministicness of the history of Cybernetics, by a comparison of the Western and the Eastern society」というタイトルの論文を執筆した。(資料8)  研究では、技術史の技術決定論・社会構築論についての先行研究を基に、冷戦初期の米国・ソ連におけるサイバネティクスの発達過程における技術決定論的特徴の強さを考察した。米ソ間に学術的・文化的断絶が存在した事を生かし、独立した発達過程を比較する事で社会が技術に与える影響を分析した。  今まで触れた事が無かった史学の研究に取り組み、分野によって異なる分析手法・思考様式が存在する事を学んだ。また、研究時に史学と科学の手法を組み合わせた経験から、分野横断的な研究の楽しさも知った。

    EE reflectionよりコピペ

    • Second
      • I studied Soviet Cybernetics by reading the book “From Newspeak to Cyberspeak” and other secondary sources in Jstor. I also found primary sources by looking at bibliographies. This method was successful since this increased the variety of referenced sources.

      • As I read sources, I summarized the content with my comment of realizations and critical evaluation. This was also effective because this enabled me to efficiently compare the histories of the US and Soviets.

      • My plan was to complete the first draft by this time, but I couldn’t follow the schedule. It’s because reading sources took more time than I imagined since I took notes simultaneously.

      • I found one research evaluating the “deterministicness” of history by the comparison of US and Soviet history of nuclear arms. I found this methodology interesting since I was wondering how we could conduct “control experiments” (concept of Science) in History, and this methodology was doing that. Getting inspired, I decided to compare the history of Cybernetics in the East and the West to investigate the strength of deterministic forces.

    • Final
      • Throughout my investigation process, my understanding of historical studies developed. In January, I once lost my motivation because I felt that historical studies are boring process of just connecting sources for meaningless purposes. I then realized what this process means for understanding of history of technology, and my motivation recovered.

      • I also learned the importance of frequent communication with the EE supervisor, since the lack of contact created distance between me and EE, and that led to the delay of investigation.

      • I’m still interested in other historiographical methods that are similar to scientific methods, since the method I took in the EE works only in special situations like Cold War.

    • あ、すでにちょっとReflectiveなEssayじゃん!!blu3mo.icon
      • さすがIB(?)