Bluemo's Brain


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    • いや〜〜、

      • 3/19の6校の中だと一番落ちたのが悲しい
        • 正直UC/Swarthmore以外はそこまで気合い入れてなかったので、落ちてもまあだよね〜と思える
        • SwarthmoreはEssay少ないなりに渾身のものを書いたつもりだったので、悲しいな〜と
      • いや〜〜〜〜、、、
      • まあ結局のところ運だろう
    • EDIIで出しても良さそうという気持ち

    • max 250 words, 以下の三つのうち一つ

    • かくやつ

      • We are inspired by students who are flexible in their approach to learning, who are comfortable with experimentation, and who are willing to take intellectual risks that move them out of their comfort zone. Reflect on a time that you were intellectually challenged, inspired, or took an intellectual risk—inside or outside of the classroom. How has that experience shaped you, and what questions still linger?

      • Swarthmore students’ worldviews are often forged by their prior experiences and exposure to ideas and values. Our students are often mentored, supported, and developed by their immediate context—in their neighborhoods, communities of faith, families, and classrooms. Reflect on what elements of your home, school, or community have shaped you or positively impacted you. How have you grown or changed because of the influence of your community?

    • かかないやつ

    • Why are you interested in applying to and attending Swarthmore?

    • 海外大出願物の全体像のデザインを満たせてる?