Johns Hopkins University
- (ストリートビューで見ただけだけど)
- レンガののっぺりした建築があまりしっくり来ない
- でもbioengineeringか
- Medical School と附属病院は強いけど、他学部との繋がりは分からない。(アメリカだと Med School は独立してる印象)
HopkinsのLiberal Artsについて
- いろいろな視点を得ることが目的、良い
- https://advising.jhu.edu/student-roadmap/freshmen/faq/
Students in Arts & Sciences must complete 12 credits in courses designated as “writing-intensive.” Students must also complete 9 credits in each of three distribution areas: H, S, and NQE.
Distribution, writing, and university requirements:
H = Humanities (classics, English, film and media studies, foreign languages at the intermediate level and beyond, history, history of science, history of art, philosophy, theatre arts, and writing seminars)
E = Engineering
N = Natural sciences (biology, biophysics, chemistry, cognitive science, earth and planetary sciences, neuroscience, and physics)
Q = Quantitative (applied math and statistics, mathematics)
S = Social sciences (anthropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, and sociology)
W = Writing intensive (denoted by an asterisk * on your transcript)
- いろいろな視点を得ることが目的、良い
How good is Johns Hopkins University’s Computer Science department for undergraduates? - Quora
Johns Hopkins is very big on interdisciplinary studies.