Bluemo's Brain


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Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source


    • Cognitive Science with Specialization in Design and Interaction

      • ありだな、HCIみがとてもある
      • No.1だなblu3mo.icon
    • Cognitive Science with Specialization in Machine Learning and Neural Computation

      • cognition関係の情報科学って感じだな
    • Computer Engineering (B.S.)*

    • Computer Science (B.S.)*

      • No.2だなblu3mo.icon
    • colleges - Revelle - Core Curriculumみが少しある? - academic rigor高い - 気になるblu3mo.icon - John Muir - Open Curriculumみがある - > Muir College is distinguished by its atmosphere of friendliness, inclusivity, informality, and deep concern for the rights and welfare of others. - うーん、、 - 場所や料理はひょうばんよい - Marshall College - > open, warm environment in which students pursue any major in the natural and physical sciences, social sciences, engineering, humanities, and fine arts offered at UC San Diego. - as citizenも重視(?) - political science系か - 場所や料理はひょうばんよい - Warren - 課外活動、インターン等? - life of balance - きになるblu3mo.icon - engineering college - Roosevelt - 社会系? - Sixth - > The theme, Culture, Art, and Technology, embraces the rich opportunities available in new interdisciplinary approaches to learning and practice. - 一番気になるblu3mo.icon - Seventh - 2020開校

    • ランクの高さは他と比べると欠けるけど、educationの内容とかシステムは結構好きだな、といまさら思えてきた