Why Essay
A specific guide to writing Why X school essays Just as a general guide, for any Why X essay, spend at least ½~⅔ talking about that specific school, and why you want to attend there. Make sure you go really specific into why you want to attend that specific school, what you would do there, and why you can’t do what you want to do if you went anywhere else. As a general rule, if you can replace any of the names in the essay, and use the essay for another school, it’s not specific enough. Mention professors, courses, specific programs, unique aspects of the school etc. - really read the websites of the schools you’re applying too, they have a lot of information. If we (the mentors) know everything you’ve said about that school already, it’s probably not specific enough - include things that only people at that school would know!
ok, so what you’re basically saying is you’re interested in human cognition and how you could update it through computation. and after that you touch on what MIT offers and that you would take those courses/opportunities. the prompt is asking you “why this field of study appeals to you,” and not what you would do at MIT.
- これは、XXなのでYYを学びたい、だから6-9、というロジックを示すべきということかな
furthermore, as you would know for sure, 6-9 is an extremely complicated and diverse field. narrow your scope of “cognition” into something more narrow. for example, one researcher at Columbia does research on human vision using computational methods ( https://kriegeskortelab.zuckermaninstitute.columbia.edu/people/nikolaus-kriegeskorte)..) while this may not be precisely what you’re interested in, do please try narrowing down the scope of cognition in the first place and touch on the computational methods you would use, learn, or maybe some potential notion you have in mind and would like to receive mentorship or guidance in order to put that in code. once you’ve got your scope clear, you know abt computation, so the pathway should be clear!
- 現状あいまいな点
- human cognition system
- 何なら良い?
- input/outputにテクノロジーの膜、という話をするか
- computation
- update cognition
- 具体的に何?
- 膜を挟むことで、よりfreedomな人間の形を探求
- あー、これ良いな
- Columbiaとか向き
- coreともつながる
- 制約のない〜〜みたいな
- 結局これだな
- いろいろなものの制約は無くなってきたけど、Humanの制約も〜〜みたいな話で位置付け示すの良いかも
- そういうのは、humanのあり方をengineerするわけだから、人の理解必要だよね、という流れにするか
- これを未踏の経験で学んだ、と
- Essay 未踏案はcolumbia/chicagoには書かないので
- あー、でもworld essayはcol使うから、うまく棲み分けはすべきだな
- その上で、TOKでいろいろなWoKを知ったから、さまざまなperspectiveから学ぶといいねと
- これを未踏の経験で学んだ、と
- human cognition system
- 現状あいまいな点
- 時間の話につなげる感じで
- そのために、多分野&工学体系的~~みたいな話をする
- その過程で大学のspecificな話とつなげていく
- Human-X Interactionの話、出来そう
- 相手を褒めるのではなく、matchを示すのが目的
- locationとかは話さんほうが良い
- 何を提供するかとかだけでなく、value/価値観も言及すべき
- リサーチした事を示す&matchを示す
- school-specificなことを序盤に入れるべき
- こいつ調べてんなと伝わるから
- why usのusは、schoolではなくschool+meをさす
- なるほど〜〜
- なるほど〜〜