UIST2022 Student Innovation Contest
from UIST2022
@ryosuzk: #UIST2022 Excited to announce the 10 accepted teams for Student Innovation Contest! Thank you for all of the amazing submissions! Starting this year, SIC papers will be also published at ACM Digital Library! Stay tuned for awesome demo + paper! https://t.co/gi5c34k9EA
- コロンビアロゴかっけぇ
- 日本人多いな、やっぱり日本人HCIコミュニティ(?)経由で広まったのが多かった?
- UChicagoのも中垣さんの研究室だし
- できる事
- 軽いものが浮く
- うまく騙せば重いものも効果としては浮いているように見せられそう
- 触れるものが浮く
- 自律的に動く(ように見える)
- 手にフィードバックを与えられる
- 軽いものが浮く
- 適当に浮かんだものを書き連ねる
- 文字を浮かせる
- カメラを機械の中に
- 浮遊物の動きで音を生成(循環構造)
- テルミンの自動演奏的な感じか
- テルミンの自動演奏的な感じか
- 浮いているものを引っ張ることによる力学
- できる事
UIST2022 Student Innovation Contest
I’m co-chairing the #UIST2022 Student Innovation Contest with Thijs Roumen.
This year’s theme is “Ultrasound Levitation Kit”! Students can get and keep the device for free, thanks to our generous sponsors of UCL. Please apply! The deadline is 7/22 (2-column 2-page proposal without refs) and there are many prizes too.
See the website for more detail: https://uist.acm.org/uist2022/cfp.html#sic
You can also see the last year’s video here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist…
- おもろ
- おもろ
- 最大2人か
- plan a: 日本の誰かと参加
- plan b: Columbiaの人を拾う
- plan c: 1人で参加
- ハード絡むのムズイな
- 開発期間、8,9,10月って感じか
- 渡米飛行機202208
- Faculty Advisorが必要
- まあこれは名前貸してもらえる人探すか
- Columbiaでいっそ探す?
- まあこれは名前貸してもらえる人探すか
- 最大2人か
Your goal is to design and implement a new interactive system using the ultrasound platform we will provide to you and combining it with any other prototyping materials you have available. To successfully address this challenge, you need to figure out what task(s) you want your system to support, and what interaction(s) you want your system to enable. Your system should motivate the use case and articulate a clear set of assumptions on how it will be beneficial for users. Finally, your system does not have to be limited to one user— ideas that involve well executed, multi-user, simultaneous interactions are often crowd favourites at UIST!