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Symbolic Systems

Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source

    • Stanford major

    • とても気になる


      • 関連の研究室一覧みたいな
    • The Symbolic Systems Program is an interdisciplinary undergraduate and Master’s program, based in the departments of Computer Science, Psychology, Linguistics, Philosophy and the School of Education. Students take a core of basic courses in these disciplines and then specialize in a concentration area comprising five courses. The suggested concentrations include a concentration in Human-Computer Interaction. The Master’s program is now also open to applicants from outside Stanford.

    • blu3mo.iconの興味ど真ん中な感じで、これ〜!!という気持ちになってるblu3mo.icon

      • これを見つけてStanfordが第一志望になりかけてる
      • 追記、なんか色々な大学を調べた後だとCogSciの看板を付け替えただけではと少し思った
        • Cognitive Science - Techを添えて
          • みたいな(?)
        • まあどちらにせよ興味あるのには変わりない

    Stanford’s Symbolic Systems program bridges the gap between humanity and technology

    A symbolic system is generally a system which computes and communicates using symbols. The two obvious and outstanding examples are, of course, minds and computers, and symbolic systems as a field is very much concerned with these two phenomena.