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Physics - Diffraction of Waves 発表

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    🌊 “Diffraction” of Waves

    🔍 Examples

    • image image

    • image


    📚 Prerequired Knowledges

    • Wave front
      • Blue line: “Wave front”

      • Red arrow: “Rays”

      • image

      • image


    🤔 Huygen’s Wave Theory

    • image

    • Proposes a new way to understand the movement of wave

    • Think that every points on a wavefront are wave sources

    • image

    • image

      • These movements can be explained by the theory

    Now more mathematical? part - image image

    • Q. How does wavelength $\lambda$and opening of obstacle$w$affect the diffraction?

    Q. How does wavelength $\lambda$and opening of obstacle$w$affect the diffraction?

    • Diffraction effect is significant when $\frac{\lambda}{w}>1$
      • i.e. When wavelength is comparable or larger than opening
    • Generally, diffraction is larger when: lambda is larger than opening

    💪 Some questions Q. Why can we hear, but can not see the source behind the wall?


    • wavelength of audible sound: 17mm - 17m
    • wavelength of visible light: 360nm - 400nm
    • wave length of visible light is much smaller than opening
      • –> Almost no diffraction of light Q. image
    • Hint: Use $c=f\lambda$



    Q. Draw the wavefronts of these waves as they emerge through the aperture.

    • waves of wavelength 1mm approaching an aperture of size 8mm
    • waves of wavelength 1mm approaching an aperture of size 1mm

    A. image image