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UIST2022 Papers

Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source

    • looking into the list of accepted papers

    We-toon: A Communication Support System between Writers and Artists in Collaborative Webtoon Sketch Revision

    • Hyung-Kwon Ko: Webtoon AI, NAVER WEBTOON Corp.,Seoul National University; Subin An: Seoul National University; Gwanmo Park: Seoul National University; Seung Kwon Kim: NAVER WEBTOON; Daesik Kim: Naver Webtoon Ltd; Bohyoung Kim: Hankuk University of Foreign Studies; Jaemin Jo: Sungkyunkwan University; Jinwook Seo: Seoul National University

      • naverか

    OmniScribe: Authoring Immersive Audio Descriptions for 360° Videos

    • Ruei-Che Chang: University of Michigan; Chao-Hsien Ting: National Taiwan University; Chia-Sheng Hung: National Taiwan University; Wan-Chen Lee: National Taiwan University; Liang-Jin Chen: National Taiwan University; Yu-Tzu Chao: Audio Description Development Association; Bing-Yu Chen: National Taiwan University; Anhong Guo: University of Michigan

    Augmented Chironomia for Presenting Data to Remote Audiences

    • Brian D. Hall: University of Michigan; Lyn Bartram: Simon Fraser University; Matthew Brehmer: Tableau Research

      • Chironomia、手話的なアート? すごいニッチ、なぜこれを?

    WaddleWalls: Room-scale Interactive Partitioning System using a Swarm of Robotic Partitions

    • Yuki Onishi: Tohoku University; Kazuki Takashima: Tohoku University; Shoi Higashiyama: Tohoku University; Kazuyuki Fujita: Tohoku University; Yoshifumi Kitamura: Tohoku University

    • 東北大の人
    • 🇯🇵

    Social Simulacra: Creating Populated Prototypes for Social Computing Systems

    • Joon Sung Park: Stanford University; Lindsay Popowski: Stanford University; Carrie J Cai: Google; Meredith Ringel Morris: Google Research; Percy Liang: Stanford University; Michael S. Bernstein: Stanford University

    • social computing、snsとかのsocial interactionの関わる計算って感じ?

    CodeToon: Story Ideation, Auto Comic Generation, and Structure Mapping for Code-Driven Storytelling

    • Sangho Suh: University of Waterloo; Jian Zhao: University of Waterloo; Edith Law: University of Waterloo

    • 全部やるんだな

    HingeCore: Laser-Cut Foamcore for Fast Assembly

    • Muhammad Abdullah: Hasso Plattner Institute; Romeo Sommerfeld: Hasso Plattner Institute; Bjarne Sievers: Hasso Plattner Institute; Leonard Geier: Hasso Plattner Institute; Jonas Noack: Hasso Plattner Institute; Marcus Ding: Hasso Plattner Institute; Christoph Thieme: Hasso Plattner Institute; Laurenz Seidel: Hasso Plattner Institute; Lukas Fritzsche: Hasso Plattner Institute; Erik Langenhan: Hasso Plattner Institute; Oliver Adameck: Hasso Plattner Institute; Moritz Dzingel: Hasso Plattner Institute; Thomas Kern: Hasso Plattner Institute; Martin Taraz: Hasso Plattner Institute; Conrad Lempert: Hasso Plattner Institute; Shohei Katakura: Hasso Plattner Institute; Hany Mohsen Elhassany: Hasso Plattner Institute; Thijs Roumen: Hasso Plattner Institute; Patrick Baudisch: Hasso Plattner Institute

    • hasso plattner、日本人のtwitterの人がいた気がする
    • Thijsいるじゃん
      • というか筆者おおいな

    Notational Programming for Notebook Environments: A Case Study with Quantum Circuits

    • Ian Arawjo: Cornell University; Anthony J DeArmas: Cornell University; Michael Roberts: Cornell University; Shrutarshi Basu: Harvard University; Tapan Parikh: Cornell Tech

    • おもろプログラミング言語、みたいなノリ?

    Grid-Coding: An Accessible, Efficient, and Structured Coding Paradigm for Blind and Low-Vision Programmers

    • Md Ehtesham-Ul-Haque: Pennsylvania State University; Syed Mostofa Monsur: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology; Syed Masum Billah: Pennsylvania State University

    • coding paradigmでblindnessの問題解決するのか、wow
    • replaces traditional whitespace-based indentation with meaningful indentation cells、なるほど

    OPAL: Multimodal Image Generation for News Illustrations

    • Vivian Liu: Columbia University; Han Qiao: University of Toronto,Columbia University; Lydia B Chilton: Columbia University

    • Columbiaのprof. chilton

    ForceSight: Non-Contact Force Sensing with Laser Speckle Imaging

    • Siyou Pei: University of California, Los Angeles; Pradyumna Chari: University of California, Los Angeles; Xue Wang: University of California, Los Angeles; Xiaoying Yang: University of California, Los Angeles; Achuta Kadambi: University of California, Los Angeles; Yang Zhang: University of California, Los Angeles

    • 力をレーザ反射でセンシングしよう、みたいな技術

    Prototyping Soft Devices with Interactive Bioplastics

    • Marion Koelle: Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus,OFFIS - Institute for Information Technology; Madalina Nicolae: Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus,Léonard de Vinci Pôle Universitaire, Research Center; Aditya Shekhar Nittala: Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus,University of Calgary; Marc Teyssier: Léonard de Vinci Pôle Universitaire, Research Center; Jürgen Steimle: Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus

    Personalized Game Difficulty Prediction Using Factorization Machines

    • Jeppe Theiss Kristensen: IT University of Copenhagen; Christian Guckelsberger: Aalto University; Paolo Burelli: IT University of Copenhagen; Perttu Hämäläinen: Aalto University

    Project Primrose: Reflective Light-Diffuser Modules for Non-Emissive Flexible Display Systems

    • Christine Dierk: Adobe Research; TJ Rhodes: Adobe Research; Gavin Miller: Adobe Research

    Sketched Reality: Sketching Bi-Directional Interactions Between Virtual and Physical Worlds with AR and Actuated Tangible UI

    • Hiroki Kaimoto: The University of Tokyo,University of Calgary; Kyzyl Monteiro: IIIT-Delhi; Mehrad Faridan: University of Calgary; Jiatong Li: University of Chicago; Samin Farajian: University of Calgary; Yasuaki Kakehi: The University of Tokyo; Ken Nakagaki: University of Chicago; Ryo Suzuki: University of Calgary

    • ken0324ryosuzkが両方ともいる
    • 筧先生もいる、日本人多いけど拠点はinternationalで面白いな
    • 🇯🇵

    TangibleGrid: Tangible Web Layout Design for Blind Users

    • Jiasheng Li: University of Maryland; Zeyu Yan: University Of Maryland; Ebrima Haddy Jarjue: University of Maryland; Ashrith Shetty: University of Maryland, College Park; Huaishu Peng: University of Maryland

    Detecting input recognition errors and user errors using gaze dynamics in virtual reality

    • Naveen Sendhilnathan: Meta Inc.; Ting Zhang: Meta Inc.; Ben Lafreniere: Meta Inc; Tovi Grossman: University of Toronto; Tanya R. Jonker: Meta Inc

      • おもろそう、metablu3mo.icon

    Integrating Living Organisms in Devices to Implement Care-based Interactions

    • Jasmine Lu: University of Chicago; Pedro Lopes: University of Chicago

    DigituSync: A Dual-User Passive Exoskeleton Glove That Adaptively Shares Hand Gestures

    • Jun Nishida: University of Chicago; Yudai Tanaka: University of Chicago; Romain Nith: University of Chicago; Pedro Lopes: University of Chicago

    • drinami
      • yudai tanaka氏、やっぱ元稲見研の人だw
      • 🇯🇵

    FeedLens: Polymorphic Lenses for Personalizing Exploratory Search over Knowledge Graphs

    • Harmanpreet Kaur: University of Michigan; Doug Downey: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence,Northwestern University; Amanpreet Singh: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence; Evie Yu-Yen Cheng: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence; Daniel S Weld: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence,University of Washington; Jonathan Bragg: Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence

    • こういうタイプちょっと気になるblu3mo.icon

    Optimizing the Timing of Intelligent Suggestion in Virtual Reality

    • Difeng Yu: University of Melbourne; Ruta Desai: Meta Inc; Ting Zhang: Meta Inc; Hrvoje Benko: Meta; Tanya R. Jonker: Meta Inc; Aakar Gupta: Meta Inc

    • ビジネス応用の香りを感じるwblu3mo.icon

    Look over there! Investigating Saliency Modulation for Visual Guidance with Augmented Reality Glasses

    • Jonathan Sutton: University of Otago,University of Otago; Tobias Langlotz: University of Otago,University of Otago; Alexander Plopski: Graz University of Technology,University of Otago; Stefanie Zollmann: University of Otago,University of Otago; Yuta Itoh: The University of Tokyo,Tokyo Institute of Technology; Holger Regenbrecht: University of Otago,University of Otago

      • こういう日本人ちょっと混じり系authorはどういう経緯でチームに入るんだろう?
        • 聞いてみたいblu3mo.icon
        • 🇯🇵

    DiscoBand: Multiview Depth-Sensing Smartwatch Strap for Hand, Arm and Environment Tracking

    • Nathan Devrio: Carnegie Mellon University; Chris Harrison: Carnegie Mellon University

    Prolonging VR Haptic Experiences by Harvesting Kinetic Energy from the User

    • Shan-Yuan Teng: University of Chicago; K. D. Wu: University of Chicago; Jacqueline Chen: University of Chicago; Pedro Lopes: University of Chicago

    • smartblu3mo.icon

    Kinergy: Creating 3D Printable Motion using Embedded Kinetic Energy

    • Liang He: University of Washington; Xia Su: University of Washington; Huaishu Peng: University of Maryland; Jeffrey Ian Lipton: University of Washington; Jon E. Froehlich: University of Washington

    • motionを印刷するという概念おもろ

    Diffscriber: Describing Visual Design Changes to Support Mixed-Ability Collaborative Presentation Authoring

    • Yi-Hao Peng: Carnegie Mellon University; Jason Wu: Carnegie Mellon University; Jeffrey P Bigham: Carnegie Mellon University; Amy Pavel: University of Texas, Austi

    GANzilla: User-Driven Direction Discovery in Generative Adversarial Networks

    • Noyan Evirgen: UCLA; Xiang ‘Anthony’ Chen: UCLA

    Mimic: In-Situ Recording and Re-Use of Demonstrations to Support Robot Teleoperation

    • Karthik Mahadevan: University of Toronto; Yan Chen: University of Toronto; Maya Cakmak: University of Washington; Anthony Tang: University of Toronto; Tovi Grossman: University of Toronto

    iWood: Makeable Vibration Sensor for Interactive Plywood

    • Te-Yen Wu: Dartmouth College; Xing-Dong Yang: Simon Fraser University

    ReCapture: AR-Guided Time-lapse Photography

    • Ruyu Yan: Cornell University; Jiatian Sun: Cornell University; Longxiulin Deng: Cornell University; Abe Davis: Cornell University

    • こういうの、マジでただの便利アプリで、何がこういうのを研究たらしめるのだろうと考えている

    AirLogic: Embedding Pneumatic Computation and I/O in 3D Models to Fabricate Electronics-Free Interactive Objects

    • Valkyrie Savage: University of Copenhagen; Carlos Tejada: University of Copenhagen; Mengyu Zhong: Uppsala University; Raf Ramakers: Flanders Make - Expertise Centre for Digital Media; Daniel Ashbrook: University of Copenhagen; Hyunyoung Kim: University of Birmingham,University of Copenhagen

    Sketch-Based Design of Foundation Paper Pieceable Quilts

    • Mackenzie Leake: MIT CSAIL; Gilbert Bernstein: UC Berkeley; Maneesh Agrawala: Stanford University

    HapTag: A Compact Actuator for Rendering Push-Button Tactility on Soft Surfaces

    • Yanjun Chen: Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences; Xuewei Liang: Xi’an jiaotong university; Si Chen: Stony Brook University; Yuwen Chen: Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Hongnan Lin: Georgia Institute of Technology; Hechuan Zhang: Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chutian Jiang: Chinese Academy of Sciences; Feng Tian: Institute of software, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Yu Zhang: School of mechanical engineering; Shanshan Yao: Stony Brook University; Teng Han: Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    MagneShape: A Non-electrical Pin-Based Shape-Changing Display

    • Kentaro Yasu: NTT Communication Science Laboratories

    • NTT CSL、初耳
    • 🇯🇵

    Color-to-Depth Mappings as Depth Cues in Virtual Reality

    • Zhipeng Li: Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University; Yikai Cui: Tsinghua University; Tianze Zhou: Tsinghua University; Yu Jiang: Tsinghua University; Yuntao Wang: Tsinghua University; Yukang Yan: Tsinghua University; Michael Nebeling: University of Michigan; Yuanchun Shi: Tsinghua University

    Concept-Labeled Examples for Library Comparison

    • Litao Yan: Harvard University; Miryung Kim: UCLA; Bjoern Hartmann: UC Berkeley; Tianyi Zhang: Purdue University; Elena L. Glassman: Harvard University

    • library、開発に使うライブラリのことか

    Gesture-aware Interactive Machine Teaching with In-situ Object Annotations

    • Zhongyi Zhou: The University of Tokyo; Koji Yatani: The University of Tokyo

    • 矢谷先生
    • 🇯🇵

    Reconfigurable Elastic Metamaterials

    • Willa Yunqi Yang: Carnegie Mellon University; Yumeng Zhuang: Carnegie Mellon University; Luke Andre Darcy: Carnegie Mellon University; Grace M Liu: Carnegie Mellon University; Alexandra Ion: Carnegie Mellon University

    MetamorphX: An Ungrounded 3-DoF Moment Display that Changes its Physical Properties through Rotational Impedance Control

    • Takeru Hashimoto: The University of Tokyo; Shigeo Yoshida: The University of Tokyo; Takuji Narumi: The University of Tokyo

    • narumin lab
    • 🇯🇵
    • おもろ

    AUIT – the Adaptive User Interfaces Toolkit for Designing XR Applications

    • João Marcelo Evangelista Belo: Aarhus University; Mathias N. Lystbæk: Aarhus University; Anna Maria Feit: Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus; Ken Pfeuffer: Aarhus University; Peter Kán: TU Wien,Aarhus University; Antti Oulasvirta: Aalto University; Kaj Grønbæk: Aarhus University

    • デンマークの大学

    Fibercuit: Prototyping High-Resolution Flexible and Kirigami Circuits with a Fiber Laser Engraver

    • Zeyu Yan: University Of Maryland; Anup Sathya: University of Maryland; Sahra Yusuf: George Mason University; Jyh-Ming Lien: George Mason University; Huaishu Peng: University of Maryland

    INTENT: Interactive Tensor Transformation Synthesis

    • Zhanhui Zhou: University of Michigan; Man To Tang: Purdue University; Qiping Pan: University of Michigan; Shangyin Tan: Purdue University; Xinyu Wang: University of Michigan; Tianyi Zhang: Purdue University

    Automated Filament Inking for Multi-color FFF 3D Printing

    • Eammon Littler: Dartmouth College; Bo Zhu: Dartmouth College; Wojciech Jarosz: Dartmouth College

    DeltaPen: A Device with Integrated High-Precision Translation and Rotation Sensing on Passive Surfaces

    • Guy Lüthi: ETH Zürich; Andreas Rene Fender: ETH Zürich; Christian Holz: ETH Zürich

    VRhook: A Data Collection Tool for VR Motion Sickness Research

    • Elliott Wen: The University of Auckland; Tharindu Indrajith Kaluarachchi: The University of Auckland; Shamane Siriwardhana: Auckland Bio engineering Institute, University Of Auckland; Vanessa Tang: University of Auckland; Mark Billinghurst: University of South Australia; Robert W. Lindeman: University of Canterbury; Richard Yao: Facebook; James Lin: Facebook; Suranga Nanayakkara: Department of Information Systems and Analytics, National University of Singapore

    PassengXR: A Low Cost Platform for Any-Car, Multi-User, Motion-Based Passenger XR Experiences

    • Mark McGill: University of Glasgow; Graham Wilson: University of Glasgow; Daniel Medeiros: University of Glasgow; Stephen Anthony Brewster: University of Glasgow

    NFCStack: Identifiable Physical Building Blocks that Support Concurrent Construction and Frictionless Interaction

    • Chi-Jung Lee: National Taiwan University; Rong-Hao Liang: Eindhoven University of Technology; Ling-Chien Yang: National Taiwan University; Chi-Huan Chiang: National Taiwan University; Te-Yen Wu: Dartmouth College; Bing-Yu Chen: National Taiwan University

    Exploring the Learnability of Program Synthesizers by Novice Programmers

    • Dhanya Jayagopal: University of California, Berkeley; Justin Lubin: University of California, Berkeley; Sarah E. Chasins: University of California, Berkeley

    Threddy: An interactive system for personalized thread-based exploration and organization of scientific literature

    • Hyeonsu B Kang: Carnegie Mellon University; Joseph Chee Chang: Allen Institute for AI; Yongsung Kim: Carnegie Mellon University; Aniket Kittur: Carnegie Mellon University

    • 研究文献探しヘルプツール、みたいな

    Wigglite: Low-cost Information Collection and Triage

    • Michael Xieyang Liu: Carnegie Mellon University; Andrew Kuznetsov: Carnegie Mellon University; Yongsung Kim: Carnegie Mellon University; Joseph Chee Chang: Allen Institute for AI; Aniket Kittur: Carnegie Mellon University; Brad A. Myers: Carnegie Mellon University

    Interactive Public Displays and Wheelchair Users: Between Direct, Personal and Indirect, Assisted Interaction

    • Radu-Daniel Vatavu: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava; Ovidiu-Ciprian Ungurean: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava; Laura-Bianca Bilius: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

    ARnnotate: An Augmented Reality Interface for Collecting Custom Dataset of 3D Hand-Object Interaction Pose Estimation

    • Xun Qian: Purdue University; Fengming He: Purdue University; Xiyun Hu: Purdue University; Tianyi Wang: Purdue University; Karthik Ramani: Purdue University

    BO as Assistant: Using Bayesian Optimization for Asynchronously Generating Design Suggestions

    • Yuki Koyama: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST); Masataka Goto: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

    • 🇯🇵

    EtherPose: Continuous Hand Pose Tracking with Wrist-Worn Antenna Impedance Characteristic Sensing

    • Daehwa Kim: Carnegie Mellon University; Chris Harrison: Carnegie Mellon University

    Muscle Synergies Learning with Electrical Muscle Stimulation for Playing the Piano

    • Arinobu Niijima: NTT Corporation; Toki Takeda: NTT Corporation; Ryosuke Aoki: NTT Corporation; Shinji Miyahara: NTT Corporation

    • 🇯🇵

    Using Annotations for Sensemaking About Code

    • Amber Horvath: Carnegie Mellon University; Brad A Myers: Carnegie Mellon University; Andrew Macvean: Google; Imtiaz Rahman: Hunter College

    MechARspace: An Authoring System Enabling Bidirectional Binding of AR with Toys in Real-time

    • Zhengzhe Zhu: Purdue University; Ziyi Liu: Purdue University; Tianyi Wang: Purdue University; Youyou Zhang: Purdue University; Xun Qian: Purdue University; Pashin Farsak Raja: Purdue University; Ana M Villanueva: Purdue University; Karthik Ramani: Purdue University

    interiqr: Unobtrusive Edible Tags using Food 3D Printing

    • Yamato Miyatake: Osaka University; Parinya Punpongsanon: Osaka University; Daisuke Iwai: Osaka University; Kosuke Sato: Osaka University

    • 🇯🇵

    ShrinkCells: Localized and Sequential Shape-Changing Actuation of 3D-Printed Objects via Selective Heating

    • Kongpyung (Justin) Moon: KAIST; Haeun Lee: KAIST; Jeeeun Kim: Texas A&M University; Andrea Bianchi: KAIST

    Chatbots Facilitating Consensus-building in Asynchronous Co-Design

    • Joongi Shin: Aalto University; Michael A. Hedderich: Aalto University; AndréS Lucero: Aalto University; Antti Oulasvirta: Aalto University

    Beyond Text Generation: Supporting Writers with Continuous Automatic Text Summaries

    • Hai Dang: University of Bayreuth; Karim Benharrak: University of Bayreuth; Florian Lehmann: University of Bayreuth; Daniel Buschek: University of Bayreuth

    • これ気になるblu3mo.icon

    DEEP: 3D Gaze Pointing in Virtual Reality Leveraging Eyelid Movement

    • Xin Yi: Tsinghua University; Leping Qiu: Tsinghua University; Wenjing Tang: Southeast University; Yehan Fan: Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications; Hewu Li: Tsinghua University; Yuanchun Shi: Tsinghua University

    Computational Design of Active Kinesthetic Garments

    • Velko Vechev: ETH Zurich; Ronan J Hinchet: ETH Zurich; Stelian Coros: ETH; Bernhard Thomaszewski: ETH Zurich; Otmar Hilliges: ETH Zurich

    TipTrap: A Co-located Direct Manipulation Technique for Acoustically Levitated Content

    • Eimontas Jankauskis: University College London; Sonia Elizondo: Universidad Pública de Navarra; Roberto A Montano Murillo: University College London,Ultraleap; Asier Marzo: Universidad Publica de Navarra; Diego Martinez Plasencia: University College of London

    • なるほど、おもろい

    Synthesis-Assisted Video Prototyping From a Document

    • Peggy Chi: Google Research; Tao Dong: Google; Christian Frueh: Google Research; Brian Colonna: Google Research; Vivek Kwatra: Google Research; Irfan Essa: Google Research

    • つよい、google researchでこういうことやるのね

    ELAXO : Rendering Versatile Resistive Force Feedback for Fingers Grasping and Twisting

    • Zhong-Yi Zhang: National Chengchi University; Hong-Xian Chen: National Chengchi University; Shih-Hao Wang: National Chengchi University; Hsin-Ruey Tsai: National Chengchi University

    Scrapbook: Screenshot-Based Bookmarks for Effective Digital Resource Curation across Applications

    • Donghan Hu: Virginia Tech; Sang Won Lee: Virginia Tech

    • Gyazoでは

    RemoteLab: Virtual Reality Remote study Tool Kit

    • Jaewook Lee: University of Washington; Raahul Natarrajan: Vanderbilt University; Sebastian S. Rodriguez: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Payod Panda: Microsoft Research; Eyal Ofek: Microsoft Research

    Record Once, Post Everywhere: Automatic Shortening of Audio Stories for Social Media

    • Bryan Wang: University of Toronto; Zeyu Jin: Adobe Research; Gautham Mysore: Adobe Research

    Scholastic: Graphical Human-AI Collaboration for Inductive and Interpretive Text Analysis

    • Matt-Heun Hong: University of Colorado Boulder; Lauren A. Marsh: University of Colorado Boulder; Jessica L. Feuston: University of Colorado Boulder; Janet Ruppert: University of Colorado Boulder; Jed R. Brubaker: University of Colorado Boulder; Danielle Albers Szafir: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

    Integrating Real-World Distractions into Virtual Reality

    • Yujie Tao: University of Chicago; Pedro Lopes: University of Chicago

    • ちょっとおもろい

    Phrase-Gesture Typing on Smartphones

    • Zheer Xu: Dartmouth College; Yankang Meng: Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Xiaojun Bi: Stony Brook University; Xing-Dong Yang: Simon Fraser University

    ARDW: An Augmented Reality Workbench for Printed Circuit Board Debugging

    • Ishan Chatterjee: University of Washington; Tadeusz Pforte: University of Washington; Aspen Tng: Human-Computer Interaction + Design; Farshid Salemi Parizi: University of Washington; Chaoran Chen: Carnegie Mellon University; Shwetak Patel: University of Washington

    DualVoice: Speech Interaction that Discriminates between Normal and Whispered Voice Input

    • Jun Rekimoto: The University of Tokyo,Sony CSL Kyoto

    • 暦本先生〜
    • 🇯🇵

    RealityLens: Designing a User Interface for Blending Customized Physical World View with Virtual Reality

    • Chiu-Hsuan Wang: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University; Bing-Yu Chen: National Taiwan University; Liwei Chan: National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

    • もっと良い方法ないんかな〜という気持ちになる

    Seeing our Blind Spots: Smart Glasses-based Simulation to Increase Design Students Awareness of Visual Impairment

    • Qing Zhang: Keio University; Giulia Barbareschi: Keio University; Yifei Huang: The University of Tokyo; Juling Li: Keio University; Yun Suen Pai: Keio University; Jamie A Ward: Goldsmiths University of London; Kai Kunze: Keio University

    • 🇯🇵?
    • 慶應だけど日本の名前1人もいないな

    SenSequins: Smart Textile Using 3D Printed Conductive Sequins

    • Hua Ma: Keio University; Junichi Yamaoka: Keio University

    • 🇯🇵

    Breathing Life Into Biomechanical User Models

    • Aleksi Ikkala: Aalto University; Florian Fischer: University of Bayreuth; Markus Klar: University of Bayreuth; Miroslav Bachinski: University of Bergen,University of Bayreuth; Arthur Fleig: University of Bayreuth; Andrew Howes: University of Birmingham; Perttu Hämäläinen: Aalto University; Jörg Müller: University of Bayreuth; Roderick Murray-Smith: University of Glasgow; Antti Oulasvirta: Aalto University

    Photographic Lighting Design with Photographer-in-the-Loop Bayesian Optimization

    • Kenta Yamamoto: University of Tsukuba; Yuki Koyama: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST); Yoichi Ochiai: University of Tsukuba

    • ochyai、落合研🇯🇵

    SemanticOn: Specifying Content-Based Semantic Conditions for Web Automation Programs

    • Kevin Pu: University of Toronto; Rainey Fu: University of Toronto; Rui Dong: University of Michigan; Xinyu Wang: University of Michigan; Yan Chen: University of Toronto; Tovi Grossman: University of Toronto

    Exploring Sensory Conflict Effect Due to Upright Redirection While Using VR in Reclining & Lying Positions

    • Tianren Luo: Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Computer Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhenxuan He: Capital Normal University; Chenyang Cai: Beijing University of Technology; Teng Han: Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Zhigeng Pan: College of Artificial Intelligence, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology; Feng Tian: Institute of software, Chinese Academy of Sciences,College of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Fuse: In-Situ Sensemaking Support in the Browser

    • Andrew Kuznetsov: Carnegie Mellon University; Joseph Chee Chang: Allen Institute for AI; Nathan Hahn: US Army; Napol Rachatasumrit: Carnegie Mellon University; Bradley Breneisen: Carnegie Mellon University; Julina Coupland: Carnegie Mellon University; Aniket Kittur: Carnegie Mellon University

    • US Army、パワーがある

    spaceR: Knitting Ready-Made, Tactile, and Highly Responsive Spacer-Fabric Force Sensors for Continuous Input

    • Roland Aigner: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria; Mira Alida Haberfellner: University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria; Michael Haller: Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

    Flaticulation: Laser Cutting Joints with Articulated Angles

    • Chiao Fang: National Taiwan University; Vivian Hsinyueh Chan: National Taiwan University; Lung-Pan Cheng: National Taiwan University

    InterWeave: Presenting Search Suggestions in Context Scaffolds Information Search and Synthesis

    • Srishti Palani: University of California, San Diego; Yingyi Zhou: University of California, San Diego; Sheldon Zhu: University of California, San Diego; Steven P. Dow: University of California, San Diego

    Mixels: Fabricating Interfaces using Programmable Magnetic Pixels

    • Martin Nisser: MIT CSAIL; Yashaswini Makaram: MIT CSAIL; Lucian Covarrubias: MIT CSAIL; Amadou Yaye Bah: MIT CSAIL; Faraz Faruqi: MIT CSAIL; Ryo Suzuki: University of Calgary; Stefanie Mueller: MIT CSAIL

    Flexel: A Modular Floor Interface for Room-Scale Tactile Sensing

    • Takatoshi Yoshida: University of Tokyo; Narin Okazaki: University of Tokyo; Ken Takaki: University of Tokyo; Masaharu Hirose: University of Tokyo; Shingo Kitagawa: University of Tokyo; Masahiko Inami: University of Tokyo

    • drinami
    • 🇯🇵

    PSST: Enabling Blind or Visually Impaired Developers to Author Sonifications of Streaming Sensor Data

    • Venkatesh Potluri: University of Washington; John R Thompson: Microsoft Research; James Devine: Microsoft Research; Bongshin Lee: Microsoft Research; Nora Morsi: University of Washington; Peli De Halleux: Microsoft Research; Steve Hodges: Microsoft Research; Jennifer Mankoff: University of Washington

    RIDS: Implicit Detection of A Selection Gesture Using Hand Motion Dynamics During Freehand Pointing in Virtual Reality

    • Ting Zhang: Meta Inc.; Zhenhong Hu: Meta Inc.; Aakar Gupta: Meta Inc.; Chi-Hao Wu: Meta Inc.; Hrvoje Benko: Meta Inc.; Tanya R. Jonker: Meta Inc.

    RealityTalk: Real-time Speech-driven Augmented Presentation for AR Live Storytelling

    • Jian Liao: University of Calgary; Adnan Karim: University of Calgary; Shivesh Singh Jadon: University of Calgary; Rubaiat Habib Kazi: Adobe Research; Ryo Suzuki: University of Calgary

    CrossA11y: Identifying Video Accessibility Issues via Cross-modal Grounding

    • XingyuBruce" Liu: UCLA; Ruolin Wang: UCLA; Dingzeyu Li: Adobe Research; Xiang Anthony Chen: UCLA; Amy Pavel: University of Texas

    Summarizing Sets of Related ML-Driven Recommendations for Improving File Management in Cloud Storage

    • Will Brackenbury: University of Chicago; Kyle Chard: University of Chicago; Aaron Elmore: University of Chicago; Blase Ur: University of Chicago

    MuscleRehab: Improving Unsupervised Physical Rehabilitation by Monitoring and Visualizing Muscle Engagement

    • Junyi Zhu: MIT CSAIL; Yuxuan Lei: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Aashini Shah: MIT CSAIL; Gila Schein: MIT CSAIL; Hamid Ghaednia: Massachusetts General Hospital; Joseph H Schwab: Massachusetts General Hospital; Casper Harteveld: Northeastern University; Stefanie Mueller: MIT CSAIL

    Wikxhibit: Using HTML and Wikidata to Author Applications that Link Data Across the Web

    • Tarfah Alrashed: MIT; Lea Verou: MIT; David R Karger: MIT

    FLEX-SDK: An Open-Source Software Development Kit for Creating Social Robots

    • Patricia Alves-Oliveira: University of Washington; Kai Mihata: University of Washington; Raida Karim: University of Washington; Elin A. Bjorling: University of Washington; Maya Cakmak: University of Washington

    Bayesian Hierarchical Pointing Models

    • Hang Zhao: Stony Brook University; Sophia Gu: Stony Brook University,Plainview Old Bethpage John F. Kennedy High School; Chun Yu: Tsinghua University; Xiaojun Bi: Stony Brook University

    SleepGuru: Personalized Sleep Planning System for Real-life Actionability and Negotiability

    • Jungeun Lee: POSTECH; Sungnam Kim: POSTECH; Minki Cheon: POSTECH; Hyojin Ju: POSTECH; JaeEun Lee: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Inseok Hwang: POSTECH

    X-Bridges: Designing Tunable Bridges to Enrich 3D Printed Objects’ Deformation and Stiffness

    • Lingyun Sun: Zhejiang University; Jiaji Li: Zhejiang University; Junzhe Ji: Zhejiang University; Deying Pan: Zhejiang University; Mingming Li: Zhejiang University; Kuangqi Zhu: Zhejiang University; Yitao Fan: Zhejiang University; Yue Yang: Zhejiang University; Ye Tao: Zhejiang University City College; Guanyun Wang: Zhejiang University

    In addition, two papers accepted for TOCHI will also be presented:

    TickleFoot: Design, Development and Evaluation of a Novel Foot-tickling Mechanism that Can Evoke Laughter

    • Elvitigala, Don Samitha: The University of Auckland, The Auckland Bioengineering Institute; Boldu, Roger: The University of Auckland, Auckland Bioengineering Institute ; Matthies, Denys: Technical University of Applied Sciences Lübeck, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; Nanayakkara, Suranga: The University of Auckland, Augmented Human Lab, Auckland Bioengineering Institute

    ANISMA: A Prototyping Toolkit to Explore Haptic Skin Deformation Applications Using Shape-Memory Alloys

    • Messerschmidt, Moritz: The University of Auckland, Auckland Bioengineering Institute; Muthukumarana, Sachith: The University of Auckland, Auckland Bioengineering Institute; Hamdan, Nur: RWTH Aachen University, Computer Science Department; Wagner, Adrian: RWTH Aachen University, Computer Science Department; Zhang, Haimo: The University of Auckland, Auckland Bioengineering Institute; Borchers, Jan: RWTH Aachen University, Computer Science Department; Nanayakkara, Suranga: The University of Auckland, Augmented Human Lab, Auckland Bioengineering Institute