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The Profession of Human-Computer Interaction

Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source

    The Profession of Human-Computer Interaction HCI as profession, 馬路ゼミ将来設計

    HCI is the branch of computer science that builds on social sciences and humanities.

    • いやー、やっぱやりたいのはこれだなblu3mo.iconblu3mo.icon

    HCI is a field of academic and scientific research. The vast majority of HCI researchers are employed at universities. A smaller but still significant number of them are associated with large tech companies that allocate large budgets for research and innovation: Microsoft Research, Spotify, Nokia Bell Labs, IBM, Google…*

    • Independent labs and individuals like Ink & Switch and Andy Matuschak exist, but their numbers are few, and they are somewhat outside the academic HCI community. That said, I do believe this space will grow exponentially and eventually integrate with the academic world.