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Supplemental Reccomendation Letters

Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source

    • 外部の人の推薦状

    • いろいろ大学によって違ってややこしい

    • 基本的に大体の大学は認めている

    • ややこしいところ

      • Columbia出願
        • We welcome an additional letter of recommendation if the writer has worked with you in a researcher or college course capacity. Any supplementary recommendations should not be completed on the Teacher Report forms, but instead submitted directly to our office. The Committee discourages the submission of additional recommendations, as admissions decisions will be based primarily on the required recommendations from your high school teachers and secondary school/guidance counselor.

        • ようはいらん物送ってくんなと
        • 本当に必要なら手間かけてメールで送ってもらえ、と
          • 面倒だな
      • Yale出願
        • なんかいろいろややこしいこと言っている