Chemistry IA
Measuring the reaction rate of sucrose Inversion using polarimeter
max 12p inckuding refs.
- 浪費したくない
- なので、やらない方が良いこと
- title page
- contents page (目次)
- 学校名も書かない
- 例えばt検定使うなら、なぜそれなのかを説明
mathematical modelを作ることについてia書けるって言ってたけど、
- 表はこのフォーマットで書くと良い、とか
Reference, IntroとConclusionで主にする感じ
- risk assesementもするかも
- 似た手法を変えて使うなら、それもreferしろよと
Downie, draft期限より前に出すことを強く強くお勧めするって言ってる
Topics I feel interesting
- Polarization
- sugar solution concentration
- compare enantiomers with different structures, and see how rotation changes
- what variable?
- Refraction
- refractive index and molecular structure
- Polarization
- Interested on the point that properties greatly changes only by changing geometry.
- IA:
- Realistic
- Graphite
- Not diamond
Geometry of molecules
- Seems mathematical, interesting
- macro? micro?
- IA: Predicting the geometry from volume/mole
- IA: Compare something (ex: reaction speed) of different allotropes, and explain how geometry affects it.
- IB Course: Option A - Material Chemistry
- investigatje
- metal charges,
- properties
- look at unit cells relation with properties
- will be database ia
- connect physical properteis with chemical property(e- config)
- 2 extremes (tungsten and mercury) m.p. extreme
- how conductivity chges
- find data for the same temp, or same state
- mathematical model of resistance and metal
Radiocarbon dating
- Is mass spectrometry possible?
- no
- isotopes in chemistry is identical
- Or try using another method? (Kinetic Isotope Effect?)
- IA: Calculating the ratio of isotope using the change of XX (reaction speed)?
- unrealistic?
- IA: Calculating the ratio of isotope using the change of XX (reaction speed)?
- Is mass spectrometry possible?
What I can do
- write code?
- Use Graph Theory (Computer Science)?
- write code?
What I cannot do
- topics related to biology
- Biochemistry
- topics related to biology