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    A Struggle for the Soviet Future: The Birth of Scientific Forecasting in the Soviet Union

    • Newtonic Mechanic VS Cybernetic

    • Newtonic mechanicな考え方: 過去によって未来が決まる

      • それに対して、
      • Cyberneticな考え方: システムに定められているGoalによって未来が決まる (Goal-oriented)
        • Goal-oriented cybernetic control linked the past, present, and future through feedback loops of free-fl owing information

    • A mechanical universe was replaced with a cybernetic one.

      • 物理(Newtonic, Mechanic)っぽい考え方より、cybernetic的な考え方をしだした
      • The metaphor of workers as cogs in the machine was replaced by one of people as carriers and conductors of information in Soviet governmental discourses