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WW1 Causes

Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source


    • Alliances

      • Bulgaria
    • Colonialism

      • Imperialismとの違い: Colonialismははあくまでの他国の侵略のプロセスのみ、Imperialismは帝国を作る全体的な思想

      • Spain / Portugal -> Britain / France

      • Germanyは出遅れた

      • Morroco Crisis - Germany tries to gain Morocco from France

        • Germany tried to cut Anglo-French relationship, but failed
      • France allies with Britain and Russia to protect

        • Strengthened Alglo-French alliance
        • Lead to Triple Entente
      • image

        • Germanyは英仏関係を簡単に壊せると思ってたけど、実際やったら無理だった
    • Militarism

      • Dreadnaught
      • 2:1
      • UK Double Power Policy
    • Situation in Balkan

      • Pan-slavism
      • Austria Hungary invading Bosnia-Herzegovina
      • Balkan league
      • 1st and 2nd Balkan war
      • germany’s blank cheque to austria-hungary
    • Assasination

      • Franz Ferdinand
        • not popular for austria-hungarian people
        • conservative, catholic
      • Supported by Black Hands, Bosnian
      • so amaturish
      • killed wrong man
        • ferdinand was positive to serbs (plan to change to austria-hungary-serb 3 union)
      • austria wanted a war anyway
        • 15 min funeral
        • unpopular archduke
        • = not really revenge, but just wanted a war?

    #WW1 #第一次世界大戦 #IBHistory