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Sharing the Planet & Identities

Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source

    • IBEnglishBの課題

    • 数分話す

    • Identities

      • how ones are different from others in the environment
      • Example
        • Difference of cultrual background
    • I believe that this diversity of identities is the key to share the planet

    • Sharing the planet

      • As we know, there’s almost nothing that are unlimited on the earth.
        • Population, Resources, Money, Land, everything is limited
      • sharing the planet is about sharing limited things with different peoples
        • diving this pie for everyone on the planet
      • Imagine there’s 3 groups, they might be nations, companies, indivisuals, cultural groups, etc
        • they both have their identities, and their interests are based on their identities
      • the best situation is when everyone gets what they want
      • However, problems is when this happens
        • this happens when