IB Chemistry HL暗記物リスト
- IBChemistry HL暗記物リスト
- 理想的には暗記以上のレベルまで持っていきたいけど、時間的にきついのでとりあえず短期的に覚える物のリスト
- あくまでも僕がまた覚えてないなーと思ったもののリストなので、ここに書かれてないことでも暗記必要なものあると思う
- 暗記必要な物でも自分の中で自明になったことは省いている
- 202106 昔は自明だと感じていたことも忘れかけているよう
- ex: electronegativityのtrendの理由とか
- 表面は毎回暗記していたけど、その裏の部分を放置してきた(大体わかるだろと思っていた)ので忘れかけている
- なので、それをreviewしないといけない
Chapter 1
- Relative Atomic Mass
- Def: Average mass of its atoms, compared to 1/12th the mass of a carbon-12 atom.
- Unit: g mol-1
- 1atm = 1.01x10^5 Pa
Chapter 2
- Visible Spectrum: Transition between * and n=2, n=3
- Terms
- “Shell”: 1,2,3とか
- “Subshell”: 1s, 2p, 3dとか
- “Orbital”: 2px, 2py, 2pzとか
- Irregular (anti-Aufbau)
- Cr config.
[Ar] 3d5 4s1
(not 3d4 4s2) - Cu config.
[Ar] 3d10 4s1
(not 3d9 4s2)
- Cr config.
- 1st ionization E
- Def: Energy for 1 mol of gaseous atom when losing 1 mol of electron (in standard thermodynamic conditions)
- = Convergence limit of spectrum from n=1 (use E=hf)
Chapter 3
- Trend
- Electron shielding = repulsion between E level
- “Nuclear charge” vs repulsion between same shell electrons
- 左下に増える: atomic radius, metallic character
- 右上に増える: electronegativity, magnitude of electron affinity, ionization energy
- Ionization E, subshell変わるかorbitalでpair組み始めた時はrepulsion増えてE減る
- 複雑: melting point(bondingによって大きく変わる)
- 左の方はmetallic bondでまあまあ高い、真ん中はgiant covalentで一番高い、右はcovalent/noble gasで低い
- Group 1
- “Alkali metal”
- Reaction with Oxygen/Water
- More reactive down the group
- Group 17
- “Halogens”
- Reaction with Alkali Metal 2A(s) + H2 -> 2AH(s) (colorless, neutral)
- Displacement Reaction
- Lesser period Halogen with Larger period Halide
- Ex: Cl2 + 2KBr -> 2KCl + Br2
- Less reactive down the group
- Period 3 Oxide
- Structure of oxide
- Na, Mg, Al: Giant Ionic (strong = solid)
- Si: Giant covalent (solid)
- P, S, Cl: Molecular compound (weak intermolecular force = gas/liquid)
- Reaction of oxide with water
- Basic: XO + H2O -> 2X(OH)n (acidic)
- Acidic: XO + H2O -> HnXOm (alkaline)
- (logic: solid dissolved neutral water = basic product, then solid is basic)
- Transition Elements
- Zn not Transition element
- Multiple oxidation states
- All has +2
- Magnetism
- Paramagnetic: Unpaired electron -> attracted by field
- Diamagnetic: Paired electron -> repelled by field
- Ferromagnetic: Many unpaired electrons aligned -> Strong magnetism Ni, Co, Fe
- unpaired electrons causes magnetism
- Ligands: coordinate covalent bonds
- Neutral: H2O, NH3, CO
- 1- Ligands: Cl-, CN-, Br-
- Catalyst
- N2 + 3H2 ⇆ 2NH3 /w Iron
- Colored complex
- Repulsion with e- of ligands
- Splitting of 3d orbital, 2 upper 3 lower: when ligands are attached
- Absorption of light (low to high E level)
- Spectrochemical series of ligands
- stronger field -> more split -> absorb shorter wave length
- Remember ligands, coordination No, etc
Chapter 4: Chemical bonding and structure
- carbonate, chromate, phospate, sulfateはchargeが-1ではない
- chromate, phospate, sulfateは例外、Oの数が3ではなく4
Metallic Bonding Factors
# of delocalized electrons
- Charge of cation
- Ionic radius of cation
Covalent Bonding
- Lonepair-lonepair > lonepair-bondedpair > bondedpair-bondedpair
- Expanded octet for period 3+ possible
- Hybridization
- 結局何かというと、lone pairで+1, σ bondで+1すれば良い
- 言い換えると、図を書いた時にelectron pairを表す線が何辺から伸びているか
- Sigma bond: round + round
- Single bond
- Pi bond: dumbbell + dumbbell
- double, triple bond between 2 p-orbital
- Cloud above and below σ bond
Formal Charge
- (Valence electron in uncombined form) - (number of non-bonding electrons) - ½(number of bonding electrons)
- Closer to 0 = more preferrable
Intermolecular forces (only on simple covalent) (Lower = Stronger)
- London Force: Instantaneous dipole-inducded dipole
- Dipole-Induced-dipole
- Dipole-dipole
- Hydrogen Bond: strong Dipole-dipole (H to N,O,F)
- More electron = more intermolecular F
- Similar intermolecular force = soluble
Chapter 5: Energetics
- Open system: all exchange ok
- Closed: only energy ok
- Isolated: nothing ok
Chapter 6: Kinetics
- Condition of Reaction:
- Correct orientation
- KE > AE
- Definitions of specific enthalpy
- Default:
- Direction: as name states
- Ex:
- atomize = to single gas atom
- ionization = to positive ion
- Amount: 1mol of measurable (sometimes reactant, sometimes product)
- Direction: as name states
- Lattice enthalpy (Irregular)
- Direction: From broken ions to lattice
- Amount: 1mol of lattice
- Enthalpyのtrendを知っておくべき(大体は直感でわかる筈)
- Default:
Chapter 7: Equilibrium
- Conditions:
- Closed system
- Rate of forward and backward reactions are same
- Concentration of reactant/product is constant
- Habor Process (Ammonia)
- N2+3H2 ⇄ 2NH3
- Exothermic, Mol decreasing
- Condition for forward reaction
- Low temperature
- However, some temperature needed for high reaction speed
- Optimum temperature: 450°C (not K)
- (High reaction speed = faster to reach equilibrium)
- High Pressure
- Optimum pressure: 200-250 atm
- Too high: plant breaks
- Catalyst
- Needed, otherwise have to use lower temp / higher pressure
- Use “fresh” Iron
- Low temperature
- Usage: Fertilizer, explosives, etc
- N2+3H2 ⇄ 2NH3
- Contact Process (Sulfuric Acid)
- S + O2 ⇄ SO2
- SO2 + O2 ⇄ 2SO3 (Important step)
- Exothermic, Mol decreasing
- SO3 + H2O ⇄ H2SO4 / SO3 + H2SO4 ⇄ H2S2O7
- Condition for the forward reaction
- Low temperature
- 400°C or more
- Catalyst only works on 400+
- Catalyst
- Vanadium (V) Oxide
- NO High Pressure
- Already enough rate
- High pressure is uneconomic and dangerous
- Low temperature
- Usage: Fertilizer, Paints, etc
At equilibrium, the Gibbs free energy is at a minimum and entropy is at a maximum.
Chapter 8 Acid and bases
- Def
- Acid: H+ donor
- base: H+ acceptor
- has lone pair, H+ coordinate bond
- Acid + Base → Conjugate base and acid (only for BL)
“amphiprotic” vs “amphoteric”
- “amphiprotic” only for BR acid/base (狭い条件)
- “amphoteric” any acid/base (広い条件)
- both OK (not none, but both)
Lewis Acid
Acids to remember
Bases to remember
- mono/di/triprotic acid: # of donatable proton
- Note: CH3COOH is monoprotic
- strong/weak
- strong: all dissosiate / weak: not all dissosiate
- organic acid = weak
- how to distinguish
- pH
- conductivity (strong = more conductivity)
- relative rate with metal (only for acid)
- strong acid → weak conjugate base, weak acid → strong conjugate base
- mono/di/triprotic acid: # of donatable proton
- Salt
- def: ionic compound formed between a metal and non-metal
- Acid + Metal → Salt + Water
- Acid + Base → Salt + ごたごた
- Acid + Metal Oxide (O) → Salt + Water
- Acid + Metal Hydroixde (OH) → Salt + Water
- Acid + Metal carbonate (CO) → Salt + Water + CO2
- Acid + Metal Hydrogencarbonate (HCO) → Salt + Water + CO2
- Neutralization (acid + base → salt + water)
- Exothermic
- always around -57kJ/mol
- Application: antacids
- Titration
- “titrant” = alkali in burette (known concentration)
- “analyte” = acid in beaker (unknown concentration)
- indicator: phenolphthalein, etc
- Exothermic
- Salt
ionic product of water Kw = 1*10^-14
- Kw increases (H2O dissosiates more in water) when temperature increase
larger Ka/Kb = smaller pKa/pKb = stronger acid/base
- Ka + Kb = Kw = 14 at 297K
Buffer Solution
- Def: When (1) SMALL amount of acid/base is added to
- weak acid : salt
- 1 weak acid : 0.5 strong base
- Acid Depositon Causes (i.e. acid rain)
- nitric/ous acid: 2NO• from lighting and engines + O2 → NO2• / NO2• + water → nitric/ous acid
- sulfuric/ous acid: S from fire power station / volcanos + O2 → SO2 / SO2 + H2O → sulfuric/ous acid
- (他にも色々ゴタゴタ書いてるけど、一旦後回し)
- Environmental Inpactsとか、反応のしょうさいとか
- たくさん暗記が必要
- Equivalence Point
- Strong acid, weak base: <7
- Strong base, weak acid: >7
- その他
- H2CO3とか出てきたら、多分H2O+CO2
Chapter 10 Organic Chem
- Homologous def: CH2 dif, same Functional Group, same general formula
- physical properties gradually change, chemical properties similar
- Isomers: branch, functional, positional
- functional ex: aldehyde/ketone, alcohol/ether
- Trend: More branch = harder to approach = less IMF = lower b.p.
- Benzene
- no addition, only substitution
- with benzene = “aromatic” (not aliphiatic)
- Alkane
- non-reactive except
function groups
name combustion addition substitution polymerisation oxidation reduction benzene ✔︎ electrophilic alkane ✔︎ ✔︎ free radical alkene ✔︎ electrophilic ✔︎ ester ✔︎ nucleophilic alcohol ✔︎ ✔︎ nucleophilic ✔︎ aldehyde ✔︎ nucleophilic ✔︎ ✔︎ ketone ✔︎ nucleophilic ✔︎ ✔︎ carboxylic acid ✔︎ nucleophilic ✔︎ halgenoalkanes ✔︎ nucleophilic
- non-reactive except
function groups
- 見通すために表にしてみた
- 一応先生チェック済み、シラバス外は排除済み
- とりあえず全体像は把握できたので、後は細部を理解したい
- その結果、この表を暗記せずともロジックで導出できるようになりたい
- Reactions
- Combustion
- complete: produce CO2 and Water
- incomplete: produce CO / C and Water (lacks Oxygen)
- Produces water anyway!
- Substitution
- free radical
- initiation (incrase free radical)
- homolytic fission
- propagation (no change in # of free radical)
- termination (decrease free radical)
- condition: UV Light
- initiation (incrase free radical)
- nucleophilic
attacked by nucleophile (favors positive charge)
nucleophile attacks polar C-X bond (X: δ-)
- SN2(ふたまた)
rate = [halgenoalkane][nucleophile]
- lower order halgenoalkanes prefers SN2
- hard to attack due to bulkyness of alkyl groups, in primary
- secondary: Depends
- neither too bulky or too open
- tertiary: SN1
rate = [halgenoalkane]
- higher order halgenoalkanes prefers SN1
- carbocation more stable in tertiary
- Trend of rate
- C-X of Halogenoalkane
- X has more radius -> less bond enthalpy -> more rate
- (countering trend of electronegativity difference is neglectable!)
- nucleophile (ONLY for SN2 reaction, because SN1 is independent)
- anion better than polar molecule
- Solvent
- Polar protic, prefers SN1
- protic solvent helps H-X bond to break by pulling both sides
- protic solvent solvates intermediate carbocation, and makes them stable
- Polar aprotic, prefers SN2
- aprotic doesn’t dissosiate nucleophile, so nucleophiles aren’t surrounded by atoms and they are reactable
- nucleophile’s reactability is important in SN2, while not important in SN1
- aprotic doesn’t dissosiate nucleophile, so nucleophiles aren’t surrounded by atoms and they are reactable
- Polar protic, prefers SN1
- C-X of Halogenoalkane
- SN2(ふたまた)
special: esterification
- nucleophile: alcohol
- condition: heat, conc. H2SO4
- write as ⇄ reaction
- also an condensation
special: hydrolysis
- sn1/sn2
- <あとで>
- electrophilic
- nitration of benzene
- condition: heat under reflux, 60℃
- OHとかが飛んで行かないようにreflux
- <あとで>
- condition: heat under reflux, 60℃
- nitration of benzene
- free radical
- Addition
- ありうるreactionの種類とそのcondition、一旦飛ばす
- 必要そうであれば暗記
- electrophilic
- alkene (C=C bond) does
- electrophile: cation OR positive side of dipole
- 仮に二つのatomがくっつくてもしても、初手がelectrophileのattackならelectrophilic addition
- Major product: One that carbon with less H becomes carbocation
- less H = more atom with positive inductive effect = more stable carbocation
- Example
- H-Br, Br-Cl (dipole)
- Br-Br (induced dipole by High density election)
- H-H (hydrogenation)
- nucleophilic
- Application: Test by bromine water
- alkane: reacts with Br2 + H2O, decolorizes
- alkane/benzene: no reaction, no decolorization
- ありうるreactionの種類とそのcondition、一旦飛ばす
- Polymerization
- Oxidation
- agent: acidified K2Cr2O7 or acidified KMnO4
- acidified = H+ exists (and used for oxidization)
- primary alcohol -> aldehyde -> carboxylic acid
- under reflux: complete oxidization
- under distiliation: partial oxidization
- (aldehyde has lower b.p.)
- secondary alcohol -> ketone
- agent: acidified K2Cr2O7 or acidified KMnO4
- Reduction
- aldehyde / ketone -> alcohol
- reducing agent: LiAlH4 (stronger), NaBH4
- carboxylic acid -> alcohol
- reducing agent: LiAlH4 ONLY
- NaBH4 is weaker
- aldehyde / ketone -> alcohol
- Esterification
- catalyst
- Combustion
- General Laws
- Polar bond is weaker
- Things that causes charges
- Electron Density
- C=C bond is high
- Dipole
- Ions
- Electron Density
Chapter 11
- 1,2,3ではなくsinglet, doublet, triplet
- Why TMS:
- high bp (easy to remove)
- one signal and strong
- non-reactive