Guerilla warfare in two civil wars
Last updated
Dec 16, 2022
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# Focus of the topic
# Background Info
- Guerilla warfare:
- unconventional
- small groups conducting ambushes, sabotage, etc to fight a larger enemy
- Vietcong of Vietnam Civil War against Diem’s ARVN and the US
- more than 2M US vs 200K Vietcong
- Castro’s force in Cuban Revolution against Batista
- Both used Guerilla warfare, which was succesful in some previous wars ex: Chinise Civil War
- Vietnam was supported by China/Soviet, Cuba conencted to soviet later
- They were similar, but the significance of Vietnam was higher.
# Body
- P2 - Successful tactics
- Their tacitics and the use of guerilla warfare was effective
- Vietcong
- Punji traps
- Easily built, effective to damage soilders physically and mentally so significant
- Networks of tunnel in jungle
- Enabled vietcong to conduct surprise attacks
- Soilders lived there to hide from US and bombing
- Americans couldn’t counter, throwing grenades wasn’t effective due to the structure
- so significant on the successful guerilla
- Communication with peasants
- As Mao (previous success) stated “Political objective needed for guerilla success”, they strictly decided their pro-peasant goal which led to the support of civilians
- peasants gave shelters, foods, etc for survival
- Castro
- Sabotaged industry, such as sugar cane fields
- Effective, because main source of government’s income
- furthermore, revolution was because of anti-American bussiness, so effective both strategically and mentally
- Propaganda: big thing for Castro
- “History will absolve me” speech and interviews to appeal
- Became figure of a liberalation
- Led to resource support from civilians, on Guevara’s fight at the city area
- Important front of the war, so signiciant
- P3 - Effective Situation
- Both were in situation where Guerilla warfare becomes effective
- Both were able to gain support from citizens
- Unpopular Diem and US Force
- US widely known as US puppet
- Opresed population using secret polices and amry forces, mainly communsits
- Catholic policy, Buddhists burned themselves as protest
- Even VPOTUS Johnson evaluated his governing policy negatively on his visit
- Later phase, US damage on civilians by The Operation Rolling Thunder bombing, Agent Orange, Napalm, etc led to further anti-US
- Led to support of citizens to Vietcong, which was needed for guerilla
- Unpopular Batista
- Batista used brutal forces to keep Cuba under control
- Able to present as fighters for liberalization rather than terrorists
- This led to corporative attitute of some citizens, but wasn’t significant since the fight was short
- However
- Vietnam
- US Anti-war movment
- television development
- horrific scenes of villages burned, wars, etc affected
- Anti-war musicians, including John Lennon contributed
- Political Inability of US
- weak political leadership
- Johnson, who decided to enter the war by Tonking Gulf Incident in 1964
- Aim containment and Domino Theory
- Johnson viewed Vietcong as unpopular communist forces that could be easily defeated
- Wrong policy of US not caring civilians (Rolling Thunder bombing etc), led to the outcome
- However, as historian Tabor says, they had to do so because of guerilla, or lose
- therefore this was also part of guerilla significance
- Cuba
- Cuban Weakness
- Fight itself ended in 1 year (1958-59), much shorter than Vietnam war
- Shows the inherent weakness of Batista government
- unpopularity in the nation, even uS had to cut aid to Batisa in late 1950s
- Historian Cushion highlights the effect of labor activists and political groups that also fought, independently from Guerilla
# Possible Essay Questions
# Resources
- Cuban PhD Paper on Classroom might be good Source
# Notes
- Dont need to focus “unsuccessful tactics”, because those did not affect the outcome
if we have “evaluate effectiveness” question, should we state unsuccessful tactics?
- PhD Paper on Classroom might be good Source
- Other source URL on slides as well
- Also, essay on CLassroom well conpares Vietnam and Cuba
- Should read it, before writing comparision essay!
- 「compare and contrast」の正解が書かれているので、書き方を知るために読むべき