Bluemo's Brain


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    • “on behance"と指定すると、質が多少高まった
    • ui of chat app for business, on behance
      • image
    • ui design, screenshot of a todo app, behance, dribbble, blue and white theme color
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    • ui design, screenshot of mobile app, behance, dribbble, blue and white theme color, round design
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      • デザインの方向性を決めてUI Themeを出せるようになってきた
    • ui design, screenshot of mobile app, list screen, behance, dribbble, white and black color, simple and bold design
      • image
      • このくらい指定できればそろそろ実用的な雰囲気が出てきた
    • ui design, screenshot of mobile app, profile screen, behance, dribbble, green color, warm feel
      • image


    • An illustration of blue round character wearing robotic spacesuit
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    • 3D render of cute blue round character wearing spacesuit, digital art
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    • An illustration of blue round character, smiling, wearing spacesuit with buttons, facing forward rightみたいな感じで色々指定を試したが、近づけるのむずい
      • image image
      • あと、指定を細かくすると質が悪くなったような気がする

    Sol LewittのWall drawing (Atelier Basi Application Formの課題)

    • wall drawing, "square without square"
      • image
      • これ面白いな、それぞれの色を見れば線しか描かれていないけど、人間はそこに四角を見出せる
    • wall drawing, "Six white geometric figures (outlines) superimposed on a black wall"
      • image
    • wall drawing, "Irregular wave color bands."
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    • wall drawing, "Rectangles formed by wide black bands, meeting at right angles."
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      • そもそもちゃんとお題理解してるのすげぇな