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Columbia Bachelor + Master

Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source

    5年間で学士+修士を取るやつ Enginering:

    • csにはない?
    • ee, bme, me
    • Undergraduate housing and financial aid is not provided beyond what would normally be the senior year of undergraduate studies. Beyond the fourth year, standard graduate tuition rates apply. In the past, some students in the program have worked as course lab assistants or graders to help cover some of the costs of their fifth year, although the availability of such positions cannot be guaranteed.

    • 別に5年固定ではないのか?

    他にも各graduate schoolにあるっぽい

    Columbia 3-2 and 4-1 Programsと一緒で、この場合も奨学金どうなるのだろう?

    • 5年目は流石にもらえないかな
    • 他にあてが見つけられればって感じだな
    • 柳井壮行会20220713みたいに4年で終わらせる能力が自分にあれば、柳井でカバー可能?
      • 実際これがどれくらい現実的なのかはちょっと調べたいな