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Last updated Dec 16, 2022 Edit Source

    from Columbia履修登録2022Fall [[Columbia ACADEMIC PLANNING GUIDE FOR NEW STUDENTS ]]

    • 読むか〜〜〜blu3mo.icon


    • Engineeringの話 17-24
    • Academic Resources 39-43
    • Campus Resources 45-50
    • こう見ると意外と量多くはないのね


    • CSA Advisor
      • Your CSA adviser is a point of contact for a variety of issues and

      • questions, including:

      • • General academic questions, concerns or difficulties

      • • Registration questions and problems

      • • Choosing a major

      • • Connecting with faculty

        • そういうこともしてくれるのね
      • • Changes in academic program, in consultation with faculty advisers

      • • Receiving transfer, AP/IB/GCE or summer course credit

        • ここも相談
      • • Premed and prelaw requirements and other academicopportunities

      • • Understanding University policies and petitioning for exceptions to academic policy

      • • Planning to study abroad

      • • Progress toward and completion of requirements for the degree

      • • Personal problems and concerns

      • • Leaves of absence

      • • Referrals to other resources on campus

      • • Life plans

        • 要はなんでもありっぽい
      • 誰?
        • Chad Gifford
          • anthropologyの人がeglestonの担当なのか、不思議
          • まあでも良さそう

    Engineeringの話 17-24 - AoE - 実装頑張るやつ - Track 2 - UW - Track 2 - Calculus - レベルがいくつかある - Calculus I - Calculus II - IB Math HLで6/7ならこれ取るらしいblu3mo.icon - 駒場の微積を試験受けてればここでcredit使えたかもな〜、もう遅い - APMA E2000 - Physics - Trackが三つある、 - 応用よりの1400, 数学よりの1600, むずい2800 - まあ1600にしとくかな - How hard are the accelerated physics and honors math sequences at Columbia University? What are some good indications that I’m prepared to handle them and receive an A? - Quora - Chemistry - 14-1500 - 15-1600 - itnermedieate - これ、取る意味あるのかな - 2000 - intensive - cs系のmajorなら、freshmanのうちに一度取れば後は良いらしい - premedとかbio系行きたいなら二つ - CS - E1006か、W1004 - え、飛ばせないのかな - Lab - physics取りたいな - その場合はsophomoreでやれ、と - Nontech Req - UWはfirst yearで取る必要がある - sophomoreおすすめ: Coreの一つ, Econ一つ - いつでも: Art - elective: 9-11 - 合計27のnon techのうち、必須で16-18が埋まる - 残りの3~4コースを好きに取りな、という感じ - PE - 好きな時に2回とれと

    Academic Resources 39-43

    Campus Resources 45-50

    • 後で読もうblu3mo.iconblu3mo.icon