Columbia 3-2 and 4-1 Programs
- え、めっちゃあり
- え、めっちゃあり
- そこまでして、という感じではないな..
- だったら駒場で一年過ごした方がコスパ良さそうw
- 柳井壮行会20220713みたいに飛び級できるなら嬉しいが、可能?
- 一応IBで多少授業は飛ばせるはず
- 実際これがどれくらい現実的なのかはちょっと調べたいな
The 4-1 Program provides Columbia Engineering (SEAS) students with the opportunity to expand their education in liberal arts through an additional year of study at Columbia College (CC), including the completion of a CC major or concentration. At the end of the fifth year of study, students receive a bachelor of arts degree from CC in addition to a bachelor of science degree from SEAS. Admitted students are eligible for a fifth year of housing and financial aid. Students who are accepted and decide to matriculate into the 4-1 Program are required to be in residence at Columbia College for two semesters and complete at least 31 credits during their fifth year. A maximum of 93 points can be transferred from the B.S. degree to the B.A. degree.
- BSとBA両方取る、というルート
- え、めっちゃ魅力的だな
- え、めっちゃ魅力的だな
- BSとBA両方取る、というルート
Application Procedure
Students apply for the 4-1 program during the spring of their junior year, but interested students should meet with their advising dean at the Center for Student Advising (CSA) during their first or second years to learn more about the program and declare their interest. Advisers will review requirements for admission into the program and assist with academic planning.
- 行きます
- 行きます
Applications are due in late April and should be submitted directly to the CSA. Applicants will meet with the person in charge of the 4-1 Program to review the application materials in detail. Applicants are notified of the tentative admissions decision in the summer after junior year. The official admissions notification occurs during the summer after senior year.