Cold War Crices: Berlin vs Cuba Causes
related: Cold War Crices: Berlin vs Cuba Effects
Intro Body Brlin
- Political
- different aims
- USSR* wanted weak communsit germany
- exploit resource, reparation, etc
- West: strong capitalist germany
- shield against communist
- expected free electyion, leading to communism
- However, both Wanted Germany to be united
- USSR* wanted weak communsit germany
- Increasing Lack of Trust, Factors of the Breakdown of the Grand Alliance
Factors of the Breakdown of the Grand Alliance Intro The Grand Alliance broke down because of the conflict of economic interest between two superpowers. Although ideological differences and mistrusts...
- Berlin City Election 1946
- Communist Party losing by 20%
- Stalin realises that unification isn’t naturally possible
- different aims
- Economic
- Initial agreement:
- USSR provide food since East Germany has more agricultural zone
- US provide coals and industrial goods
- However, both sides failed to uphold agreements
- Therefore, both side of Germany suffered from lack of resources
- US and UK decided to unite their regions and create Bizonia to strengthen economy
- (anti-Yalta agreement)
- US and UK decided to unite their regions and create Bizonia to strengthen economy
- Bizonia Currency
- defensive measureでblockadeしたという主張大事
- Initial agreement:
- USSR provide food since East Germany has more agricultural zone
- US provide coals and industrial goods
- Political
- Ideological
- Communism was more anti-Imperialistic and pursued racial equality
- This led to former colonies to be communist
- Communism was more anti-Imperialistic and pursued racial equality
- Arms Race
- both afraid of enemy, since they don’t know how many missiles they have
- Khrushchev bluffed
- Bay of Pigs led to fear and mistrust against the US, rendering Castro to be more communist
- Ideological