AndyMatuschak Internship
- え〜〜〜、おもろ
- Andy Matuschak
I’d like to see many more thoughtful designers and technologists developing ambitious ideas in this vein. It’s tough to do, for many reasons I’ve discussed elsewhere, but I’d like to help (at least in a small way) with one: how is anyone supposed to learn to do this sort of work?
For many other fields, the answer is graduate school. But I don’t think the relevant academic field (human-computer interaction) does this kind of work very well. Apprenticeship with industry designers is more or less mandatory to develop many of the practical skills you’d need. Unfortunately, industry designers rarely have the opportunity to invent radical new primitives, and their practices generally lack the domain-specific depth necessary for transformative insight.
- www
- この辺りのresonanceを示せそう、undergradとして将来考えていて似たようなこと考えていたみたいな
- まって、ビザ的に無理じゃね
- OPTとかならいける..?
- あと、full-time workを要求してる感があるな、もし本当にするなら授業切る必要ありげ
- 後、普通に通るのほぼ無理そう
- at least 1人みたいな感じなので厳し気 & designを
- なので(繰り返してくれるなら)来年以降かな..?という気がしている
- あとおもろいもの出来たらDMで投げつけるとか
- でもこの人の場合そのDM100通届いてそうだな
- あとおもろいもの出来たらDMで投げつけるとか