<文献ログ> How the Computer Got Its Revenge on the Soviet Union
Slava Gerovtichが書いた
<文献ログ> The peculiar history of computers in the Soviet Unionと結構内容にてる
- ↑はSlava Gerovtichの話を引用してたから当然っちゃ当然
- 一人目: Agapov
- 次: Iaroshevskii など
He went on to cite Wiener’s well-known remark that the computer revolution was “bound to devalue the human brain” in the same way that the industrial revolution had devalued the human arm.
- WienerとIaroshevskiiで、言語の解釈(Interpretation)が違う
He accused Wiener of reducing human thought to formal operations with signs, and labeled cybernetics a “modish pseudo-theory” fabricated by “philosophizing ignoramuses” and “utterly hostile to the people and to science.”
- AgapovもIaroshevskiiも、Wienerの論文等はあんまり読んでいなかった
- というかAgapovの記事以降図書館からWienerの本は消えた、だから Iaroshevskiiはそもそもほとんど読めなかった
The Soviet Union began to secretly pursue military computing while condemning the West for doing the same.
- Wienerの言葉を拡大解釈・誇張して、イデオロギー的藁人形に
- 記事に具体例も載ってる
~ and the critics concluded that cybernetics was marching along a “straight road toward open idealism and religion” (both were, of course, pejorative terms in the Soviet Union)
- #唯心論 (idealism)
Philosophers chimed in, bashing cybernetics for “clinging to the decrepit remnants of idealistic philosophy,” as well as for being “mechanistic” in reducing the activity of the human brain to “mechanical connection and signaling.” Cybernetics, they claimed, was doubly guilty. It deviated from dialectical materialism, the official Soviet philosophy of science, in two opposite directions—toward idealism and toward mechanicism—at the same time. The media portrayed it as both “idealistic” and “mechanistic,” “utopian” and “dystopian,” “technocratic” and “pessimistic,” a “pseudo-science” and a dangerous weapon of Western military aggression. Soviet critics ignored, or possibly were unaware of, Wiener’s openly pacifist stand, which he had taken after Hiroshima, and his refusal to participate in military research. Ask: how is it idealistic
Even the phrase “logical operations” was risky, because it might be interpreted as implying that machines could think. Instead of “computer memory,” researchers used the more neutral, technical term, “storage.” “Information” was replaced by “data,” and “information theory” by the convoluted expression “the statistical theory of electrical signal transmission with noise.”
- cyberneticsを批判してたjournalも態度変えた
Instead of trying to reconcile it with dialectical materialism, the authors simply stated that it works, and therefore it must be ideologically correct.
researchers proposed to link together all Soviet enterprises through a unified national computer network which would process economic information in real time and optimize the entire economy.
- めっちゃリソース注ぎ込み始めた
- アメリカ側はこれに警戒、cyberneticsで成長されると困る
- 縦割りの官僚主義と相性悪い
Big Brother, who wanted to see everything and know everything, became overwhelmed with information that was often distorted by lower-level officials trying to present a rosy picture.
#Technological_Determinism_and_Cybernetics_in_the_Cold_War http://nautil.us/issue/23/dominoes/how-the-computer-got-its-revenge-on-the-soviet-union